Invest East & West offers a wıde range of solutıons for renewable energy ınvestments and technologıes.

Advısıng &
ıew adds value to projects by bringing sustainable solutions both technical and financial aspects.
With years of experience, our staff and brand label solutıon partners have the capabilities and expertise to take your business and ınvestments to the next level.
We’re proud to help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their business and assets.
Fınancıng &
ıew has access to huge variety of investment funds and local banks with different size & capacities.
increasing bankability of the projects by co/partnering, also
attracting reliable investors bringing bankable projects to investors.
ıew succeed more than 200 mw of portfolio in different stages and scope.
connecting dots for legal , finance and administration aspects iew focuses on good exit strategies and continues growth on investments.
Asset Management
correct engineering , right product choice , on tıme and reliable construction comes together with right financial solution. ıew has its core team and solution partners in more than 10 countries to offer right solutions.
top tier manufacturers and third party inspection units bringing not only success in construction period but also secures a cost efficient operation and maintenance period. iew offers wide range of monitoring and asset management tools.
Headquarter :
Ark 399,Suadiye
Istanbul / Türkiye
Serbia Office :
Humska 6
Belgrade / Serbia
Turkey Engineering Office :
Cumhuriyet Blv , 120
Izmir / Türkiye
Africa Technical Office
253 The Chase / Joy Office Harare / Zimbabwe